1. Mission Statement - we are trying to develop a mission statement. Lisa Call, who has still been in contact with the Kitchen Cabinet and those who helped with the Romney campaign, had been asked to represent our group in a conference call. She gave them our official title of "Stand Tall Ohio, A Conservative Women's Group focusing on Education and Preparedness." So now it's time to get to work. We talked about four purposes of our group; first, to educate ourselves, second to educate our children, third to prepare ourselves for whatever may come and lastly, to expand our group and affecting our communities. Ali Day is working on putting that into one concise mission statement, so if there is anything else you would like to add send her a quick note. That should be done shortly. Every time we meet we hope to be covering in some part each of these topics. Learning as we go.

2. Meetings- Meetings will need a few people's participation. We would like all to participate eventually as the group progresses. We decided the best way to learn something and be able to talk to others about it, is to get ready to teach it to others. Us! The meetings will consist of 1) A preparedness thought. 2-3 min. 2) A thought on how to teach principles we are learning and/or related to our group to children or a personal experience 2-3 minutes. 3) A learning point. A definition. An explanation. Just something that you learning recently while studying. Something you looked up because you were interested and what you found 2-3 min  4)Book and/or article to discuss 50 min. We are hoping meetings stay to no longer than 1 1/2 hours. Mostly will be held at night. Does not have to be held at your house if you are part of the 4 points. Anyone can host. Book discussions should still be held through the group email so we can talk as we read. First meeting discussing Liberty and Tyranny will be held end of January. Any volunteers for pts. 1-3 please contact me (those who are out of town could also email me something to share and we could read it at the meeting).

3. The google group doesn't seem to be satisfying our needs. Is there anyone who is techno savvy enough to create a blog spot for us? Or anyone else have any other ideas that would be better? Let me know. Maybe 2 people could even work together as a team.

4. Our constitution booklets are in. I will try to distribute them as I see you. Get your books "Liberty and Tyranny" at Bertram Branch Library on warrensville. There are many that are in. Get ready. It's not fluff reading!

Thanks gals. Any questions? Please ask.