Friday, November 30, 2012

Who is George Soros

Ladies, I have been wanting to get this post out for awhile now. I think most people may not know who George Soros is and what his influence is in our country. 

Here are some starting points. Add to it whatever you may know. 

Born in Hungary in 1930. Non practicing Jewish family. His mother was anti-Semetic and was ashamed of being a Jew. When Hitler came to power they severed jewish roots, changed their name and purchased forged papers claiming they were christians. 

Hungary is taken over by communists, Soros family relocates to England, goes to school meets his "tutor" Karl Popper who believes in an Open Society which Soros adopts (open society the way I understand it is a one world order, no one country more powerful than another. He doesn't agree with "closed societies" like America that were based on absolute or "self-evident" truths. He described the "bubble of American supremacy as the greatest threat to world peace). 

In 1956 Soros moves to NYC became a citizen made a bunch of money as a portfolio manager at an investment bank. To make more money he starts exploiting situations. One big one he is known for is short-selling of the british pound, forcing devaluation of the british currency, meaning he was rooting for the british currency to tank, it did and he made a billion $$.
When asked about it he said, "I was taking money out of the pockets of the british taxapayers, but if I had tried to take social consequences into account, it would have thrown off my risk/reward calculation and my chances to be successful would have been reduced". Hmm, nice guy. It's just business right?

He starts a lot of tax-exempt organizations like the Open Society Institute (OSI) in NY (these organizations are in more than 70 countries) and funds and or contributes to countless organizations (ACLU for example) and many news organizations (NBC, ABC, NYTimes, Washington post, and many many more).
Needless to say many liberal leaning type of organizations.

Soros began to target other countries, he personally takes credit for overthrowing are Serbia, Croatia, and the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. He told the LA times that he played an "important role" in preparing the country for a revolt against their president. "Im delighted by what happened in Georgia," he says, "and I take great pride in having contributed to it".

The way it works is this OSI sets up and uses the influence of all the organizations that funds, they get activist organizations to that protest in the streets charging the existing regime with corruption and crime. Eventually overthrowing the government and putting in those who believe in a one world order. 

He forges a close relationship with the Clintons while Bill is in office. They try to get Hillary-care passed. It doesn't work. He starts pumping $ into organizations to get them on board. He starts a "shadow party" that was born in 2003 at his home in Long Island. This has to do with "soft money" in campaign finance law. Now huge amounts of "unofficial $" were spent by this party in campaigns. This gave huge amounts of $ to grass roots groups working against conservative ideals. Soros himself contributed 23,700,000 in personal funds in 2004 trying to defeat Bush. So now Democrats, instead of having this soft money, have this source of money through the shadow party, but who is at the head. Now Soros is able to define the agenda of the democrat party. 

Now they start to go after who gets elected as Secretary of State. Putting money into these campaigns. Why? Guess who is the chief election officer in each state? The Sec. of St is responsible for certifying candidates and election results. 

Now 2008. Who does Soros back? You guessed it. Obama. And once elected high level jobs were filled by persons who had formerly been a part of one of the Soros led organizations. Van Jones (communist) Carol Browner, David Axelrod..etc.

A few days after election Soros said, "we need a large stimulus package which will provide funds to state and local government", what is one of the first things Obama pushes through? HUGE STIMULUS PACKAGE.

Remember Hillary Care? Didn't work the first time, so try try again. Here comes Obama-care. Socialized medicine. 

Lastly, Soros, he has shown that his mother's anti-Semitism stuck with him. Continually promoting Hamas. Saying that they will be a part of the peace process. Hamas calls for the extermination of Jews. They are terrorist. He backs the Muslim Brotherhood which is where Al Quaida stems from. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the muslim brotherhoods most important cleric once said, "throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all that things he did to them - even though they exaggerated this issue- he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hands of the believers (muslims)." Obama also backs the new president of Egypt who is also from the Muslim Brotherhood. You see how well that is going.

Ok sorry that was so long. But really, I just wanted you to know about this guy. I had no idea who he was. I think he sounds very scary.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I'm really at a loss of words. It's early in the morning, but I'm aghast that their is someone with this much power influencing the world. Your right Dominica, it's very scary.

    Where did you hear about him? How did you come across such incriminating's seems like some of these things should be illegal. And Obama prided himself in capturing Bin Laden. I just roll my eyes every time he says this, like e thinks he solved the problem...
